American College of Community Midwives
A professional organization for midwives who provide physiologically-based maternity care in a community settings ~ client homes, maternity homes or birth centers.
College of Midwifery Document Library Archive
Best Evidence on science-based maternity care
Extensive archive
~ a "must read". This subdirectory has links to links to primary sources, lengthy excerpts, and citation lists documenting the scientific basis for physiological childbirth as the universal standard of care for healthy women with normal pregnancies. Also journal articles on interventive and operative obstetrics, induction, elective C-sections and political controversies, including ACOG's effort to eliminate planned home birth.
Other "Best Evidence" topics
(1) community-based midwifery, and
(2) political and historical forces that have inappropriately medicalized normal childbirth in the US
(3) the politics that underlie organized medicine's push to make elective Cesarean surgery the new, 21st century standard of care for in a healthy women with normal pregnancies.
American College of Community Midwives
A professional organization for Community Midwives
(1) American College of Community Midwives
(2) California College of Midwives
(3) ScienceBasedBirth.com
(4) HealthCare_2.0.com
(5) NormalBirth.Org
(6) MaterntyCare_2.0
Latest NEWS
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in Maternity Care Field
Important or Popular Documents for midwives
Must See Video from "Where's My Midwife"
Subdirectories ~ California Licensed Midwives
California MBC's
Midwifery Advisory Council
Synopsis LMAR 2008 PHB Stats
Faith Gibson, LM, CPM
Webwife above 5 Internet sites